The next generation of Sponge Ball Magic! Stephen Chan and TCC now offer you an unbelievable, new way to perform with sponge balls. Truly magical in every way. Moves that will astonish your audience – impossible-looking, but real!
You receive a set of their colorful sponge balls, plus full online video instruction that includes:
Part One: Basics
- Finger Palm/Thumb Palm
- The Function of Velcro
- How to Steal
- Basic Move
Part Two: Special Moves
- Watch Move
- Arm Move
- Perfect Vanish
- Flash Transfer
- Inspired by Bebel
- One Hand Miracle
- Basic Color Change
Part Three: Routine
- Watch Disappear
- Slydini Move Super Combo
- Two Cups Miracle
- Two Balls Transfer
Move to the next level!