Ideomotor Response is without question both tragically underused in the art and arguably the closest thing to real magic! This is mandatory reading for anyone seriously interested in the study of any one of three features. This book highlights a series of experiments and further developments carried out by Professor Martin Orne and Professor Todd Landman initially conducted in 1985. The experiments address the psychological and parapsychological phenomena of ideomotor response, age regression, hypermnesia and ESP. These experiments adhered to scientific conditions and methodological standards. That is just one reason why this should be mandatory reading for anyone seriously interested in these fields. As this account summaries the results and discusses the implications for our understanding of the human mind.
Sections in book:
I: The Original Orne Experiments,
II: Ideomotor Response and Age Regression,
III: Memory Work and IV:
Summary and Implications.
Book is softcoved with 63 pages.
Anything that Todd puts out always captivates my attention. Highly suggested reading – Neal Scryer