Ted Brainard, also known as Kozmo, has been making a name for himself in the magic community. With his top-selling Reel Magic Magazine, to his wonderfully produced DVDs, he setting a new standard for magic production. He has a knack for finding the top magicians in the industry, people including Eric Jones, Justin Miller, Paul Green, Chris Capehart, Cellini, and MORE. His DVDs don’t cost much, which is a HUGE surprise considering the amazing production work.
The Effect–The Spritz Switch:
The magician shows a one dollar bill, which he took from his coin purse. He shows it cleanly, and opens it fully. He blows on the bill, and it visually morphs into a 100 dollar bill! The 100 dollar bill is put away, with the magician smiling.
The Effect–The Paper Dollar:
The magician cleanly shows a piece of paper the same size as a dollar bill on both sides. His hands are also shown empty. He starts to fold the paper, and when it is open it’s a 100 dollar bill. This bill is shown cleanly on both sides and the hands are again shown empty!
This is one of those DVDs that when I look at it, I smile. Let’s start off with the DVD cover. The DVD cover is clever, and something I’ve never seen done before. What Kozmo and crew did was make each side of the DVD case a separate trick, giving the appearance of two DVDs merged into one. It’s very intiguing! Kozmo also made the DVD case half as thick as normal DVD cases, which is also the case for many of his other releases. When you put this into your DVD player, it’s very well organized. I had no trouble locating anything. There is a live performance, then a studio performance, followed by the explanation for each trick. The credits also include bloopers. I enjoyed the bloopers very much.