Mentalism doesn’t pack much smaller than this! Carry it always in your wallet for a mystic miracle at a moment’s notice with zero setup.
Thy Will Be Done requires no prior tarot knowledge, making it the perfect effect for both tarot virgins and seasoned tarot-workers alike.
The routine utilises three ubiquitous objects: a pen, a coin and a wristwatch. Each of these items can be borrowed from your participant.
Here’s what happens:
You place a single tarot card (provided) face down on the table while explaining that the card depicts a reflection of the choices the participant is about to make.
The participant sets the watch to a random, unseen time and places it face down on the table alongside the pen and the coin.
While your eyes are closed and covered, the participant is invited to change the positions of all three objects until one is being held by the participant, one is being held by yourself and the remaining object is left on the table.